
Brand: GEB
Blood DNA/RNA in parallel Miniprep KitThrough GEB's parallelized separation method of DNA and RNA from blood by miniprep kit, either DNA or RNA can be successively separated by GEB's miniprep kit from 200~250 μl of anti-coagulated blood. Upon this unique procedure, both proteins and hemogl..
Brand: GEB
This method is based on the efficient release of genomic DNA from anti-coagulated whole blood by a special cell lysis, and heme/protein precipitation buffer coupled with the selective adsorption of the genomic DNA to a special DNA-prepared column. The purified genomic DNA is eluted in a low-salt Tri..
Brand: GEB
RNA is sufficiently released from blood cells by modified lysis buffer after selective precipitation of protein, hemoglobin by a unique buffer and removal of residual DNA through filtration.Total RNA is obtained by a column purification as long as the addition of isopropanol. Therefore a high recove..
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dATP (2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate) is
supplied in 100 mM aqueous solution with a purity greater than 99%. It is free
of endonuclease activities or exonuclease activities. It can be used in a range
of molecular biology applications, including PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, sequencing,
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dCTP (2'-deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate) is
supplied in 100 mM aqueous solution with a purity greater than 99%. It is free
of endonuclease activities or exonuclease activities. It can be used in a range
of molecular biology applications, including PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, sequencing,
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dGTP (2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate) is
supplied in 100 mM aqueous solution with a purity greater than 99%. It is free
of endonuclease activities or exonuclease activities. It can be used in a range
of molecular biology applications, including PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, sequencing,
Brand: GEB
DNA recovery kit from gel utilizes a DNA-prepared column with optimized protocol and reagents, which is able to isolate linear DNA up to 8 μg, either from TAE or TBE agarose gel and able to recover the length of DNA from 75 bp up to 10 kb DNA fragment. Generally the recovery percentage is about at 6..
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dNTP Solution Mix (100 mM total, 25 mM each) is an
aqueous solution of four nucleotides mixed (dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP) with each
nucleotide at 25 mM concentration and total 100 mM concentration. The purity of
each nucleotide is greater than 99%. The solution is free of endonuclease
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dNTP Solution Set is a kit of four individual
nucleotides (dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP). Each nucleotide is supplied in 100 mM
aqueous solution with a purity greater than 99%. The solutions are free of
endonuclease activities or exonuclease activities. It can be used in a range of
Brand: esReagents
esReagents dTTP (2'-deoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate) is
supplied in 100 mM aqueous solution with a purity greater than 99%. It is free
of endonuclease activities or exonuclease activities. It can be used in a range
of molecular biology applications, including PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, sequencing,
Brand: GEB
The multisource genomic DNA miniprep kit is designed to purify genomic DNA from animals tissues, plant tissues, cultured cells and yeasts. This system employs a special lysis buffer to efficiently release genomic DNA from the biologic starting materials. Proteins, pigments, carbohydrates and l..